Toggle writing Plug-in parameters Automation in Write Mode — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

Toggle writing Plug-in parameters Automation in Write Mode

Today I have learned that I know virtually nothing about using automation in Logic. Biggest thing I learned today is that

⌘⌃E command-control-E

opens the event list for the track. You can see the automation events in this list.

I will have to spend time reading the chapter on automation, and trying to figure out when/where I might actually use it,

It’s a vast subject. Kind of overwhelming.

“Automate mix and effects settings

Automation overview
Automation refers to recording, editing, and playing back the movements of faders, knobs, and switches. Using automation, you can create changes over time to volume, pan, and other settings. You can add automation to all track types.”

Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “Logic Pro X User Guide.” iBooks.

Somascape : MIDI Ways — MIDI note number mapping

Somascape : MIDI Ways — MIDI note number mapping:

The MIDI note numbers 0 to 127 map to musical notes as shown in the following tables. Note that although most manufacturers label this range as C-2 to G8, with middle C being C3 (as I have here), you may come across some manuals that describe this range as C-1 to G9 (with middle C being C4).

Handy chart I found to get my numbers straight.

Of course this chart is Yamaha-centric. I have Logic Pro X set to use C3 as middle C.

from the internet — “According to Roland it is C4, according to Yamaha it is C3, according to International Scientific Pitch it is C4.”

MIDI file scale generator

I’m a bit old-fashioned. I wrote a “scale” generator way back when so I could play a MIDI file of a Major/minor scale sequence.

These days I use “MIDIplayer X” to play my scales. The classic ‘t2mf’ is used to create the MIDI file from a shell script…

# SCALE="C" SCALEM="a" N1=60

let N1=N1+0
let N2=N1+2
let N3=N1+4
let N4=N1+5
let N5=N1+7
let N6=N1+9
let N7=N1+11
let N8=N1+12

let NM1=N1-3
let NM2=N1-1

cat >$SCALE-$SCALEM.txt <<EOF
MFile 0 1 24
0 Meta Text "$SCALE major scale"
0 On ch=1 n=$N1 v=64
12 On ch=1 n=$N1 v=0
24 On ch=1 n=$N2 v=64
36 On ch=1 n=$N2 v=0
48 On ch=1 n=$N3 v=64
60 On ch=1 n=$N3 v=0
72 On ch=1 n=$N4 v=64
84 On ch=1 n=$N4 v=0
96 On ch=1 n=$N5 v=64
108 On ch=1 n=$N5 v=0
120 On ch=1 n=$N6 v=64
132 On ch=1 n=$N6 v=0
144 On ch=1 n=$N7 v=64
156 On ch=1 n=$N7 v=0
168 On ch=1 n=$N8 v=64
180 On ch=1 n=$N8 v=0
190 Meta Text "$SCALEM minor scale"
200 On ch=1 n=$NM1 v=64
212 On ch=1 n=$NM1 v=0
224 On ch=1 n=$NM2 v=64
236 On ch=1 n=$NM2 v=0
248 On ch=1 n=$N1 v=64
260 On ch=1 n=$N1 v=0
272 On ch=1 n=$N2 v=64
284 On ch=1 n=$N2 v=0
296 On ch=1 n=$N3 v=64
308 On ch=1 n=$N3 v=0
320 On ch=1 n=$N4 v=64
332 On ch=1 n=$N4 v=0
344 On ch=1 n=$N5 v=64
356 On ch=1 n=$N5 v=0
368 On ch=1 n=$N6 v=64
380 On ch=1 n=$N6 v=0
392 Meta TrkEnd


I assure you that weird characters in file names can be odd.

Control Surfaces

I am committed to learning how to really “drive” Logic Pro X. Along with the software I have some hardware that can help. I’m speaking of control surfaces. Apple provides some very nice helper tools for the iPhone and iPad — Logic Remote — that makes working in the studio so much easier.

Take the simple task of recording with microphones that are not in front of the computer. How do you start and stop the recording? Simple, Logic Remote on the iPhone gives you handy transport controls. No wires required.

For the big tasks (typically) I use my Behringer X-Touch — a wonderful surface that can drive Logic Pro X like it’s a Mackie Control, or my XR18 using the Behringer XCTL protocol. Swapping between the two modes is a simple matter of pressing the SMPTE/BEATS button located at the right side of the clock display. This does make one function a little harder — changing the clock display. That happens in the “Control Surface Setup” window. Change the “Clock Display” setting to whichever display you want to use.

I should start a separate blog series like “Logic Pro X Keyboard Command of the Day” with X-Touch functions. I did just add “X-Air Edit Keyboard Command of the Day” to my daily wisdom file.