Hide/Show All Empty Tracks — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Hide/Show All Empty Tracks

Shows or hides Empty Tracks. Empty is not clearly defined.

An audio track with no regions is not an empty track.

An External Instrument track with no regions is not empty.

Duplicating a track creates an empty track.

Duplicate tracks in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You can duplicate a track, creating a new track below the original track with the same instrument and effects settings. The duplicate track is empty, and does not contain any regions.

Copy Section Between Locators (Selection) — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Copy Section Between Locators (Selection)

Copying a section is clear. The difference between “Selection” and “Global” — the two options for this action — isn’t clear to me yet.

Copying the selection between locators means the selected track or region. Copying global copies everything on all tracks. Subsequent paste commands can be used to see the difference.

Add or remove gaps in a Logic Pro arrangement — Apple Support

Choose Edit > Cut/Insert Time > Copy Section Between Locators (or use the Copy Section Between Locators (Global) key command).