Open/Close Audio Insert 12 Plug-in Window of focused Track — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day (KCotD)

  Open/Close Audio Insert 12 Plug-in Window of focused Track

That sure is a lot of plug-ins on a channel. This set of commands (inserts 1-15) are assigned to the position of the insert. If an insert slot is empty then the command flashes the screen and does nothing.

I can see the utility of having insert slots populated in a standard order like a mixer.

Work in the plug-in window in Logic Pro — Apple Support

You edit plug-in parameters in the plug-in window, which opens automatically when you insert a plug-in.

Remove Empty Insert Slots — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day (KCotD)

  Remove Empty Insert Slots

Removes blank/empty insert slots from a channel. Sometimes we create gaps by removing an insert, or by skipping an insert slot before opening. This command squeezes all of the inserts together leaving no empty slots in between.

Work with channel strip settings in Logic Pro — Apple Support

In Logic Pro, click the Setting button at the top of the channel strip, then choose Remove Empty Insert Slots from the pop-up menu.

Cycle Through Mixer Modes (Single, Tracks, All) ⇧X — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day (KCotD)

  Cycle Through Mixer Modes (Single, Tracks, All)    ⇧X

Switches the mixer modes from the keyboard. I don’t think I have any real use for ‘All’ mode.

There are no separate commands for setting the Mixer mode to Single, Tracks, or All.

The GLOBAL VIEW button on the X-Touch is used to switch between ‘All’ and ‘Tracks’. Press OPTION+GLOBAL VIEW to switch to ‘Single’ mode.

Overview of mixing in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Click the Single button to show the signal flow of the channel strip that corresponds to the selected track in the Tracks area.

Click the Tracks button to show the signal flow of all channel strips that correspond to tracks used in the Tracks area.

Click the All button to show the signal flow of all channel strips available in the project.

Mackie Control Global View buttons in Logic Pro — Apple Support

The GLOBAL VIEW button is used in conjunction with the other eight GLOBAL VIEW buttons to display (and edit) specific types of channel strips. Pressing any of the buttons activates All View; when this view is active, the green LED to the right of the GLOBAL VIEW button is lit.

Logic Pro 9 Control Surfaces Support: Mackie Control: Global View Zone

When you press one of the buttons in the Global View zone, the corresponding type of channel strip appears in the main LCD. You can edit each channel strip with the corresponding channel strip controls. Pressing multiple buttons (Audio Tracks, Instruments, and Aux, for example) displays all channels of the selected types.

The version 9 and version 10 (prior to 10.5) Control Surfaces Support manuals have far better documentation and descriptions of the Mackie Control functions and uses.

Show/Hide EQ Thumbnails — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

Displays an view of the EQ bands that are active - a quick reference to how the filters are applied
  Show/Hide EQ Thumbnails

Shows or hides the EQ thumbnail in the channel strips. It’s unfortunate that third-party EQ plugins can’t (or won’t) use the thumbnail. To be fair, the built-in “coloring” EQs don’t use the display either. The Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ use the display.

The MCU (Logic Control) is an excellent companion to the channel EQs — the 8 controls map to the plugin. Eight bands, 4 controls per band. Quick work to EQ with knobs and dials. It is also kind of fun to FLIP the MCU and use the faders to adjust the filters.

Channel strip controls in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Each channel strip has a set of controls (also called components), which varies according to channel strip type. You can adjust the channel strip volume and pan position, mute and solo channel strips, add and adjust effects, and send the output to auxiliary or output channel strips.

Show/Hide Track Stacks — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Show/Hide Track Stacks

Use this command in the Mixer window(s).

In my simple test project using the command simply hides the track stack indicator at the bottom of the channel strips. It does not hide and of the tracks included. I expected a different behavior.

I am not sure of the utility of this command, unless the vertical real estate in the mixer window is so highly regarded that it needs to be here.

Logic Pro Track Stacks overview — Apple Support

Track Stacks provide a convenient way to organize and control tracks, to manage projects with high track counts, and to create and manage audio subgroups. You can create a Track Stack from a group of existing tracks, and use the controls on the master track to control all the subtracks in the Track Stack.