Set Quantize Tool — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Set Quantize Tool

Set the primary tool to Quantize. Available in the Piano Roll editor and the Score Editor.

You can set the Quantize tool by typing ‘TQ’ in the appropriate editor. The ‘T’ opens the tool selection menu, the ‘Q’ chooses the Quantize tool. Return to the Pointer tool by typing ‘TT’.

Quantize the timing of notes in the Piano Roll Editor — Logic Pro X

You can quantize, or automatically correct, the timing of individual MIDI notes in the Piano Roll Editor. This is useful when regions in the track contain the right notes, but are not perfectly in time with the project. When you quantize the timing, items are adjusted to the selected note value. You can quantize the timing of regions with drums, single-note instruments, and chordal or polyphonic instruments.


Delete Duplicated MIDI Events ⌥D — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Delete Duplicated MIDI Events    ⌥D

The definition of “Duplicated” is important to know. It is in the documentation. Essentially a duplicate MIDI event as defined by position, channel, and number, the value of the event is ignored. Works on the selected region.

Always good to know what will really happen when you invoke the command.

Delete notes in the Piano Roll Editor — Logic Pro X

Any events occurring twice or more at the same position (and pitch) are deleted, allowing one to remain. This is true regardless of whether the duplicates have different velocity, aftertouch, or controller values. Events on different MIDI channels are not considered duplicates.


View Mode: One Track — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  View Mode: One Track

In the Piano Roll editor.

When you have multiple regions selected you can view all of the MIDI notes for all of the regions at the same time. To look at one track choose this view mode. ‘Selected Regions’ will show all the values.

It is particularly handy to choose ‘Collapse Mode’ to show only the MIDI notes that are actually in use. The ‘Collapse Mode’ button is directly to the right of the ‘View’ drop-down menu at the top of the editor.