Set Punch In Locator by Playhead ⌃⌥⌘I — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Set Punch In Locator by Playhead    ⌃⌥⌘I

Set the start of the punch in to the current position of the playhead.

Punch in and out of audio recordings in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Punch recording is a technique you can use to overwrite a portion of a previously recorded track, during playback, without touching any of the recording before or after that portion. You punch in to interrupt playback and make the recording, then punch out to return to playback mode. You can choose between two punch recording modes: Quick Punch-In mode and Autopunch mode.

Set Punch Out Locator Point by Rounded Playhead ⌃⌥⌘O — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Set Punch Out Locator Point by Rounded Playhead ⌃⌥⌘O

The ease of using the computer as the tape machine. The difficult task of replacing a section of a recording becomes almost trivial with punch recording.

Set the location where recording will stop.

No need to harass the tape operator 😉

Punch in and out of audio recordings in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Punch recording is a technique you can use to overwrite a portion of a previously recorded track, during playback, without touching any of the recording before or after that portion. You punch in to interrupt playback and make the recording, then punch out to return to playback mode. You can choose between two punch recording modes: Quick Punch-In mode and Autopunch mode.

Toggle Auto Input Monitoring — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Toggle Auto Input Monitoring

Use this when doing punch recording. Typically you would have it on so you can hear previous recorded input that switches to “live” at the punch-in location.

You can use the key command to toggle the mode, configure the control bar to have the Auto-Input Monitoring button available (speaker with AUTO underneath), or toggle the setting with the Record button (control-click for menu).

Turn on input monitoring for audio tracks — Logic Pro X Help

You can turn on input monitoring to monitor audio tracks that are not enabled for recording. This is useful for setting audio levels or practicing parts before you commit to recording.

Punch in and out of audio recordings in Logic Pro — Apple Support

When it comes to judging punch-in and punch-out points during punch recording, you should turn on auto input monitoring (which it is, by default). This setting allows you to hear the input signal only during the actual recording; before and afterward you’ll hear the previously recorded audio on the track. If auto input monitoring is turned off, you can always hear the input signal.

Toggle Allow Quick Punch-in — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Toggle Allow Quick Punch-in

The magic of the modern recording process — digital editing — the zero-crossing.

Logic allows for 1000 tracks now, so any conceivable limit (128 tracks required to quick-punch 64 tracks) is gone.

Quick punch-in and out are probably best used by a producer/engineer while “the talent” is playing. If you are self-engineering auto punch is probably more useful.

Autopunch can be controlled very easily from the MCU using the DROP button (need to find out why drop).

I have mapped a few of the Autopunch commands into Logic Remote for my iPhone. That’s handy. Adding an iPad to the set of active tools in the studio becomes more and more important.

Punch in and out of audio recordings — Logic Pro X

A useful and common recording practice is to switch in and out of recording mode while listening to the previously recorded material, sometimes referred to as “punching in on the fly.” This helps you fix mistakes or create alternate takes for a particular section. To ensure the transition between playing and recording occurs without any audible gaps, you must turn on Quick Punch-In mode.

Use the Mackie Control Drop button — Control Surfaces Help

To activate Punch view, press the SHIFT and DROP buttons.