Fix Displayed Note Positions — Logic Pro keyboard command of the day

  Fix Displayed Note Positions

We need to understand “display quantization”. It means what I think it means, but I had to go hunting in the documentation to confirm. Moves displayed notes to their “proper” positions. “Set the visual quantization value” describes what is going on, and why we might need it.

Quantize the timing of notes in the Logic Pro Score Editor — Apple Support

You can quantize, or automatically correct, the timing of individual MIDI notes in the Score Editor. This is useful when regions in the track contain the right notes, but are not perfectly in time with the project. When you quantize the timing, items are adjusted to the selected note value. You can quantize the timing of regions with drums, single-note instruments, and chordal or polyphonic instruments.

Logic Pro Quantize region parameter — Apple Support

You can fix the display quantization of all MIDI events in the projects using the Score Editor’s Functions > Quantization > Fix displayed Note Positions and Fix displayed Note Positions and Durations commands. These commands may be useful for exporting projects (complete with display Quantize settings) to other notation programs that don’t feature display quantization. The commands are also available from the shortcut menu when you Control-click notes in the score.

Page Setup… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Page Setup…

Opens a short version of page setup parameter — choose the printer, paper.

When the Print command is issued a dialog box comes up with all of the settings from “Page Setup” as well as the details for the print job.

The only thing that gets printed is a Score.

Share the completed score — Logic Pro X Help

When you’re ready, you can print the score, save it as a PDF file, or export as an image using the Camera tool. The last method is most helpful if you want to export only a section of the score. Whichever method you choose, the printed score is identical to the Score Editor’s Page view display, except for the following items that are visible onscreen, but not printed:

Page Left ↖ — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day. #LogicProX @StudioIntern1

  Page Left  ↖

Page Left (and right, up, down) work in various windows. Page left scrolls the display bringing “earlier” information in to view. How far things scroll (time or bars) is dependent on the zoom level of the current window.

Moves the score to the left. The “Home” key on the keyboard.

Score Editor overview — Logic Pro X

The Score Editor can display a single MIDI region or software instrument track. In the Score Editor, each track appears as a separate staff. Notes, rests, and other musical events in the MIDI regions on the track are displayed in standard musical notation.