Toggle Select Regions on Track Selection — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Toggle Select Regions on Track Selection

Change the state of ‘Select Regions on Track Selection’. When a track is selected you can optionally have all of the regions on the track selected at the same time.

When I first start working on a mix the ‘Select Regions’ mode of track selection is useful. As I get further into the mix, and I have split tracks into multiple regions doing things like ‘Strip Silence’, I find it less useful.

It is very useful to know about option-select and option-shift-select, only found in preferences documentation. If I keep the settings “off” then I can use the option-select method to select both track and regions.

Select regions in the Logic Pro Tracks area — Apple Support

To perform some edits on regions, you must first select the regions. You can select one or multiple regions, select regions on different tracks, and quickly select muted regions, overlapped regions, or regions meeting other criteria. Selected regions appear brighter in the Tracks area than unselected regions.

Editing preferences in Logic Pro — Apple Support

“Select regions on track selection” checkbox: Selecting a track selects all regions on the track lane, or regions within the cycle or autopunch area (if Cycle or Autopunch mode is on). When unselected, selecting a track does not select regions on the track lane. In this case:

  • Option-clicking the track header or associated channel strip continues to select the track and all associated regions.
  • Option-Shift-clicking adds the selected track’s regions to the current selection.

Show/Hide Musical Typing… ⌘K — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Show/Hide Musical Typing…    ⌘K

Shows or hides the Musical Typing window. This window displays the Mac keyboard keys with associated musical typing keys identified. Simple to keep the window open to the side while typing. Makes entry from the computer fairly easy and quick.

Play software instruments in Logic Pro — Apple Support

The Musical Typing window appears, showing the layout of keys used for playing notes and changing controller information.

Apply Region Tempo to Project Tempo… — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Apply Region Tempo to Project Tempo…

Set the project tempo to the tempo of the selected region.

Work in the Logic Pro Smart Tempo Editor — Apple Support

Apply Region Tempo to Project Tempo: Applies the tempo of the selected region to the project tempo. In the Apply Region Tempo to Project Tempo dialog you can select additional options:

  • Align downbeat to nearest project downbeat: Aligns the region downbeat to the nearest downbeat in the project, regardless of Project Tempo mode.
  • Maintain relative positions of all other regions: When selected, maintains the temporal relationship between regions in the project when applying the region tempo to the project tempo. This can be particularly useful in Adapt mode.

Delete Similar Regions/Events — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Delete Similar Regions/Events

_Similar_ needs definition.

When working with MIDI events (notes) the command will delete all of the events that have the same note value. I guess _similar_ means that velocity and duration are unimportant.

The ‘Delete but Keep Similar Regions/Events’ is a simple way to isolate all of a particular drum hit, like a kick drum. Select a note, use the command, all you have left are the kick drum hits.

I still haven’t been able to locate a definition of what _similar_ events or regions are. My best guess, formed by playing with regions and selection commands, is that all MIDI regions are similar. All audio regions are similar. MIDI regions are not similar to audio regions.

Delete notes in the Piano Roll Editor in Logic Pro — Apple Support

Choose Edit > Select > Select Similar Events or Edit > Select > Select Equal Events (notes of the same pitch, for example) from the Piano Roll Editor menu bar, then delete the selected events by pressing Delete.

Select Similar Regions/Events ⇧S
Delete Similar Regions/Events ⌃⌥⇧⌘⌦
Delete but Keep Similar Regions/Events ⌃⌥⇧⌘↘

Open… ⌘O — Logic Pro X keyboard command of the day

  Open…    ⌘O

Open a file. The command opens the “mini-Finder” window and allows you to search for and select a file that you want to open. There is no specific selection tool for choosing a file type. You can open projects, audio files, MIDI files, and others.

This is the standard Open command found in virtually all Mac applications.

Open Logic Pro projects — Apple Support

You can also open a Logic Pro project (or a MIDI file) by dragging it onto the Logic Pro icon in the Dock.